New Speak

4253 days ago

Ark Royal – New Speak Government Lies

The Ark Royal is to be sold for scrap for £3 million. I make no judgments on the fact that the UK has no aircraft carriers merely on the New Speak lies that the Government is pumping out today. I quote from the MoD:

‘Retiring her five years earlier than planned was a difficult but necessary decision to help address the multi-billion pound Defence deficit and deliver a balanced MoD budget.

Revenue generated by the MoD is by definition nil.


4259 days ago

When is a Pay Freeze not a Pay Freeze? When you are in the Public sector natch

As we all know the wicked Tories are bashing the public sector with savage cuts in spending and a pay freeze for all staff. Well actually public spending is increasing in real and absolute terms but let us pretend for a second that the Government does actually want to control the deficit and that the Labour party/Trades Unions are not bare faced liars. I digress.

Back to the pay freeze. Well it appears that what has been frozen is not pay itself but the scales of pay that are used. And so a 5 a day co-ordinator working as an outreach worker for disabled lesbians
